The Ego

This was a painstaking piece to write because the Ego is an elusive bastard and my own created several blocks to keep me from unlocking this door. It took two years and a hundred thousand words to come to this simple conclusion about this widely debated subject:

The Ego is responsible for feedback. 

That’s it, we can all go home now.

I’m serious. Once you understand that its only purpose is to give feedback for you and your inner-being to decipher for authenticity before letting it influence your experience you have the key to altering your reality. 

The Ego is a collection of predefined beliefs that you’ve accumulated throughout your life. The Ego is the first voice in your mind to pipe up when something occurs in your experience; it’s the judgemental reaction. You are not the first thought you have, you’re closer to your true-self with the thought that comes in to correct. A wild ego will spit these default beliefs at you as fact with such force you feel no choice but to believe it, but a tamed ego will offer up its perspective as suggestion and step away quietly if its beliefs are out of alignment. Transcending the Ego takes practice but if you want to access the energy that creates worlds you have to be willing to reshape your belief system.

Taming your ego is where this work begins and it will serve you well to quiet the resistance within yourself if you wish to advance in your experience. The Wild Ego is a dangerous beast because it not only uses its prejudgments to keep you/Source limited in the external world, but in the internal as well. 

“As above, so below. As within, so without. As with the Universe, so with the Soul.”

The Ego’s predefined beliefs keep you as a slave to the five senses, limiting you to the physical reality and the belief that we are disconnected. It is the biggest roadblock to your higher-self and it offers up a low vibration. Correspondent to the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Ego is the mirror-wall that stands in the way of accessing abundant love. When you tame the Ego you become a master of your own mind and you open yourself up to Source. Deliberate thinking and intentful living are the key components to being a successful conscious creator.