Candle Magick

This is one of the oldest practices. For as long as human have been making candles, witches have been utilizing them

There are a handful of different factors that go into candle magick:

Such as but not limited to,

The Candle Color

The Candle Cleanse & Charge

The Candle Dressing

The Way the Flame Behaves

The Way the Smoke Moves

And of course,

The Intention You Put Behind it.

We’re going to dive into each one of these factors and explore what they mean, but first my most important tip:

Never blow out a candle. 

Sure, if you’re using candles in a casual manner this is fine,

but when using them in rituals, for spells and for intentions,

blowing out the candle will confuse the energies and make the magick weak.

Candle Colors


When we think of music we know that sound is vibrating air, but we often forget that color is vibrating light because it often looks so solid to us, tangible.

You can wear your red shirt, you can touch the green grass, you can pick up your purple notebook.

But all of these things still hold their own frequencies, and this is especially important in magick and energy work. 

Different colors have different wavelengths and therefore different energies so they put off different frequencies,

which means they can attract different frequencies. 

If you watched my Chakra Series or you’re familiar with The Chakras at all, then you know that each energy center in the body is a different color and that these energy centers correspond to different things.

This transfers over to almost anything you’ll do with colors in the magickal realm. 

Now, I’ve gotta put in a little bit of a disclaimer here because the information I am going to share may cause some difference of opinions due to the way society has conditioned us.

If you look at the chakra system, the Root Chakra, which is red, corresponds to resources, stability and security. I.e. money.

The Heart Chakra is green, corresponding to love. In my own practices I find it okay to use green candles for money because green also represents abundance and growth, but I always use a red candle when manifesting money, sometimes with a green candle.

When working with love, I use a green candle because it connects to the heart chakra. I actually AVOID using a red candle by itself for matters of the heart because doing so can awaken the Shadow Self.

Trust me, you do not want to date your shadow.

If you’re casting for love, combine your red candle with a green, pink, or white one to add some purity to the spell.  If you’re torn on this matter, use a pink candle.

Pink is high vibrational, but my best advice to you is to do whatever makes the most sense here because it is your own energy you are working with,

but I am inclined to believe there was a reason for this little switcheroo and I think it was to interfere with the power of the people.


Corresponds to the Root Chakra, and it is Vital energy.

It is strength, resources, money, passion, courage, instincts, fast action, lust, and charisma. 


Corresponds with the Sacral Chakra and it is Connection.

It is success,  celebration, business, justice, opportunity, and ambition; driving forces.


Corresponds with the Solar Plexus Chakra and it is Intelligence.

It is reason, ego, focus, memory, learning, and can also be joy, comfort, hope, and happiness. 


Corresponds with the Heart Chakra and it is Love.

Green is nature, physical healing, abundance, fertility, growth, trust, and abundance. 


Corresponds with the Throat Chakra and it is Communication.

It is inspiration, creativity, confidence, calmness, forgiveness, and travel.

Indigo and Purple

Corresponds with the Third Eye Chakra and it is Vision.

It is psychic abilities, dreams, wisdom, hidden knowledge, influence, and authority. 

Violet and Pinks

Correspond with the Crown Chakra and it is High Vibrational.

It is connection with the collective consciousness, connection with the universe, integration, infinite intelligence, powerful emotion

But of course, there are other other colors outside of the chakra system, such as 


Corresponds to spirituality, peace, the higherself, purity, and because of it’s purity it can be used for substitution for any other color.

However, if you’re using it as a substitute I recomend having something of the appropriate color near the candle.

For instance, you can tie a piece of colored string around it, place a crystal nearby it, or carve the color name into the white candle. 


This is often times used to represent the divine masculine, but can also be used for abundance, luck, and happiness.


This is often used to represent the divine feminine and it connects to intuition, psychism, dream, the moon, and fertility. 


This is used for home protection, animals, stability, family, and material goods. 


This is often used for banishing, protection, and binding, but remember. Black carries within it all of the color frequencies so it is an incredibly powerful color. 

Once you have selected your candle color, you may want to cleanse and empower it further by charging it and dressing it. 

No, you don’t have to make outfits for your candles, try to think outside of the box here.

What I’m really talking about is passing your candles through incense smoke and anointing your candles with oils to give them an extra kick. 

This process is very simple.

Charging and Cleansing

To Charge your candles, pass them through an incense that corresponds with your intentions as little as three times and as many as nine.

Congratulations, your candle is now charged.


To anoint your candles, wet the tip of your finger with oil and start at the top of the candle and drag your finger down to the bottom, as above, so below.

Repeat until the entire candle is damp. 

If you can, find an oil that corresponds to your intentions. Otherwise use a carrier oil for this process.


I DO NOT in ANY WAY condoning self harm.

Your familair has done nothing but show up for you everyday to the best of the abilites and it would be wise for you to treat it with the respect it deserves.

With that being said, I have to be honest because it would be a diservice not to share what I know:

You can also use your blood to annoint candles to pack a really powerful punch.

The Flame 

Witchcraft is, if nothing more, a quest of hidden knowledge.

We all have questions and those who are brave enough to go looking for answers may turn to the craft to help them understand themselves, others, the world, and situations. 

The flame of a candle can help you do just that. 

High Flame

your workings are being supported and are likely to come to fruition.

Black Soot

Indicates that your intention, desire, or spell is being blocked. This likely means that you’re not in the right frequency for this action. 

Low Flame

This isn’t a bad sign, but it does mean that things are slow moving and it may take awhile for them to unfold.

Slow Burning Flame

May indicate that there are obstacles in the way of your intention and it may take awhile for things to manifest, it they do at all.

Flickering Flame

Can indicate the presence of a spirit

It can also indicate that your request was heard, or that your intention was accomplished, depending on the situation.

Jumping Flame

Signifies that the energy is high and this is a very positive sign.

It can also be an indication of quickness, meaning you can expect your manifestations soon.

Dancing Flame

Suggests success, but that there may be complications in bringing that success about. Don’t be discouraged, there’s nothing wrong with a couple hurdles to keep you on your toes.

Popping Flame

Signifies that a spirit or guide is trying to communicate with you. Now would be the time to grab a pen and paper if you like to channel through writing, otherwise grab your tarot cards, ouija board, rune stones, or whatever you use. I don’t judge.

Weak Flame

This usually signifies that there was not enough energy or power in the situation and you can expect ineffective outcomes. If that’s the case, don’t be afraid to try again. 

Self Extinguishing Flame

This can indicate resolve. The intention or spell is over, or that which you’re inquiring about has already happened. This is usually a good sign. 

Candle That Won’t Light

If you candle won’t light this is a stop sign. Now is not the time, there are things you need to take into consideration before proceeding.

Clean Burn

The spell is going well and things will manifest as planned.

The Smoke

Smoke Rising Up

The energy is clear and this is a positive sign.

Smoke Moving North

You have downloaded or acquired the information or knowledge you were seeking.

Smoke Moving South

Signifies regeneration, shifting, and transmutation in the unfolding of events. I.e. Things are changing. 

Smoke Moving East

The energy has cleared or been moved through. 

Smoke Moving West

Indication that emotional purification is needed, or that you need to go through some kind of transformation.

Thick Black Smoke

Usually a sign of negative energy, or that the energy is very thick and things could take time.

White smoke

A positive blessing of the spell and the results will manifest.

Spiralling smoke

This is a warning. It may not be a warning to stop the spell, but rather to take caution in your workings surrounding it.

As with everything else, your intention is the most powerful thing here.

It will dictate your spell, your candle colors and dressings, and the results.

If you step into ritual with a solid intention it is unlikely that you will fail.

If you step into ritual with a wishywashy mindset the results you receive will reflect that.

And of course, if you step into ritual with disbelief ya get nothing. 

When the Candle Goes Out

The spell is complete. 

Stay blessed.